This month, I’ve chosen to focus on a teaching from “The Journey Seminar” that we conducted for ten years under Patty Rose. It has enlightened and encouraged many women in prisons. May YOU be blessed as you read “The Father’s Love.”
GOD IS LOVE. He wanted sons and daughters to love. YOU were created for love! In Genesis 1:26, 27, we are told that God created man in “His own image” …with the capacity to love. Satan is called the accuser and “father of lies”. He tries to prevent us from understanding the TRUTH about God. He tries to ruin and distort ‘God’s image’ in us. The TRUTH is …God wants us to REFLECT HIS LOVE to others, and He chose the FAMILY to accomplish His purposes.
God is your Heavenly Father. Accepting Him as ‘your Father’ may be difficult if you have broken relationships with your authority figures on earth. The word may bring pain, loneness, or bitterness to your mind. You may find it hard to trust God to care and protect you. These are ways the enemy of your soul works to change God’s TRUTH into a lie.
John 10: 10 says “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy” …but Jesus came to show us what our Father-God is like.
The TRUTH is: you are NOT a victim of lack of parental love. God, the Father has always loved you! He has both ‘Father and Mother love’ to give you. He has the qualities of strength and compassion like a good father. He has gentle tenderness, selflessness, comfort and nurturing qualities of a mother.
No human being can meet the ‘deep need’ created in us for God’s affectionate love. We must feel free to come to our Heavenly Father, open our heart to His love, and experience ‘His own embrace.’ He wants to hold and comfort you, protect and satisfy you. The power of God’s love will give you fresh meaning and purpose. YOU were created to receive His LOVE…so you can give it to others and find fulfillment in life.
God is the Father and Creator…who gave you birth. (Deuteronomy 32:6,18)
God will take care of us when our father and mother forsake us. (Psalm 27:10)
God longs to gather His children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. (Luke 13:34)
A mother may forget her nursing baby, but God will never forget you. (Isaiah 49:15)
God will give good gifts to His children…if we ask Him. (Matthew 7:11)