Stones of Remembrance: 35 Years of Service
Just as God told Joshua before they entered Canaan, to place “large stones” for the Israelites to always remember HIS MIRACLES, so I have lovingly kept some “memory stones” from my own life. This month I celebrate thirty-five years in Aglow Prison Ministry by sharing a story from my “Stones of Remembrance.”
At a Chaplain’s Conference in 1986, I met the Chaplain at CIW, the first California prison built for women, who asked me to speak to his ladies on Mother’s Day. Soon Aglow teams began monthly services, volunteering under various Chaplains. It was my joy to play piano for Praise & Worship, often “leading together” with inmate Mary Jones. When Mary was released after her incarceration of 32 years, I took her to Temecula for “shopping & church outside.” I’ll never forget how she “chose” a lovely pair of red dress shoes!
One Sunday evening Mary Jones, Mary Montano and Suzy Mellen shared testimonies at my church. Mary Jones sang her famous solo: “I Must Tell Jesus All of My Troubles.” She also was blessed to attend our Annual Aglow Prison Retreat where she met Volunteers and Grads from all over California. We have some beautiful pictures of her there. God took Mary Jones HOME to Heaven last year. Her sister phoned to tell me they buried her in those “red shoes” & were glad to play her “solo recording” at her own Memorial.
This year I will send Easter Cards again to inmates and think of Mary Jones who is now face to face with her “Risen Lord”! Thanks to you, dear APM sisters, we will all meet again…in Heaven!
Thank you for faithfully bringing HOPE in JESUS to women behind bars.
I send you Easter Blessings with my Love.