“I have brought You glory on earth by finishing the work You gave Me to do.” John 17:4
We have lived through strange, hard times…but 2020 seems most bizarre for me! It requires us to make adjustments in every part of our life…both physical and in the spiritual. The secret is to remain “focused” on Jesus and His plans for us.
Isn’t it interesting that Jesus said the work He FINISHED was what GOD GAVE Him to do? We are told in the Gospels that Jesus often left people standing in line to be healed. He even left one town to go and preach in another. Yet He said He did “everything His Father ASKED Him to do.”
Here’s a story that helps us learn to prioritize things in life, especially right now.
In the 1950’s, God anointed a lady Evangelist to preach and teach in California. He followed His Word with many signs and wonders! I heard about a letter she once received from a young Pastor, describing how discouraged he was. He said that he even doubted if he was “called” to the ministry. He had decided to quit. He asked if she would please give him some advice to help?
This was the letter she wrote back to him. “Dear Pastor, Thank you for writing. Please read John 17:4. In His service, Kathryn Kuhlman.”
May we receive the same advice and respond to it. Does someone need a letter of encouragement? Does a friend or relative need a phone-call instead of a text? This is a time when others need to FEEL the love of Jesus from us. Obviously, we have NOT YET finished the work God has CALLED us to do. Remember this song!
“Have thine own way Lord, have Thine own way. Thou art the potter, I am the clay. Mold me and make me after Thy will. While I am waiting, yielded and still.”