Moving is NOT simple! During the first week of “relocating” my life after 22 years in Temecula, California, God “walked me through” another lesson to share with others.
After learning the Moving Company had lost my laptop, I sat down that night and read from my Mother’s old book on PRAYER by O. Hallesby. I read how PRAYER is the “breath” of the soul, so I just tried “breathing” God’s way. He gave me perfect peace. I soon received a refund from my last apartment, and could purchase a better laptop than the one they had lost!
Revelation 3:20 NKJV
Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
God is glad when we, His little children, desire to speak with Him about our daily experiences. They need not be great or important. Tell God when you are happy. Let Him share your joy. Tell Him when you are sad or worried, when you do not know what to do or are anxious. Everything that concerns you interests Him.
Everyday Christianity cannot be practiced unless we incessantly receive into our lives His supply of spiritual power that is necessary in order to preserve within us the spirit which is willing to deny self, to serve others, to endure wrong, and to let others have the last word. God desires to share everything with us. This can even be the BEST part of our whole Christian life.
Nothing is so blessed as quiet, unbroken communication with our Lord. The sense of His nearness, which fills our souls, is greater than any other peace, joy, inner satisfaction, or security which we have known. Even adversity and sorrow lose their sting when we share everything with Him. Knowing He is beside us, our work becomes easier and difficulties no longer frighten us.
Even human contrariness or the unpleasantness we experience at the hands of our fellow men can’t disturb our peace. In the quiet, peaceful joy which we are experiencing, we do not feel like being angry with them; we feel more like saying, “You can be as mean as you like; that does not matter as far as I am concerned; I am happy in the Lord”.