“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:3
This present day of God’s grace is still running its course, and another year will soon begin. Will this be the year the Lord returns? Since God gave me a miracle healing in 1982, I have encouraged myself and others with His ‘blessed hope’. Women inside prisons have often joined me singing “Soon and Very Soon We Are Going to See the King” as we prepare our hearts to meet Jesus.
It is easy to recall how drastically my life changed after the ‘mass’ discovered in my abdomen ‘disappeared’. The medical staff had no explanation and sent me home without surgery. However, there was a dramatic change in my soul…I KNEW JESUS had changed my heart…I had a PEACE like I had never known before!
This sweet PEACE never left me. Even through all the difficult months and years, that peace still remains today. I remember thinking, “How can I feel this peaceful when everything around me is failing or changing?!?”
I often answered my own question with this thought, “Either I am going to die and go to Heaven today… or Jesus is returning to take us home as He promised.” It just seemed impossible for anyone to feel like this all of the time!
Living with this attitude became the REASON I could fulfill what I called ‘God’s Assignments’. Now I could easily do them with purpose & JOY!
Last month at CCWF, God allowed me to see my “VSPW Leadership Class” again. Holding hands, looking into one another’s eyes, we encouraged ourselves with “HIS Promise”. Just like the song which the Chaplain and I sang together that day, we experience a special truth: “The Longer I Serve Him, the Sweeter He Grows.”
For 2018, try living your life with His Promise as the PRIORITY in your thinking. Trust me! His PEACE will change the way you live.
“Perhaps this will be the year when He comes and takes us home?!”
Revelation 22:20 He who testifies to these things says,
“Surely I am coming quickly.”
Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!