Ivory Palaces February 2018

Most of you know the tremendous influence my maternal Grandmother had  on my life.

I shared about her in my books, VESSELS OF HONOR.  Before I was born, she  was known as a ‘Lady Evangelistic’ Ivory Palaceswho held tent meetings with her brother Herbert Buffum. He was the composer of  The Meeting in the Air, a delightful song still sung today.

She often sang songs to me about ‘Heaven.’  I’m sure it is the reason I rarely ended a prison service without singing Soon and Very Soon as I played piano! One of those songs helped my Grandma explain God’s love for me. I’m sharing the lyrics with you and pray you will feel loved by JESUS, OUR SWEETEST VALENTINE.

Ivory Palaces

by Henry Barraclough, 1915

 My Lord has garments so wondrous fine,

and myrrh their texture fills;

its fragrance reached to this heart of mine,

with joy my being thrills.


Out of the ivory palaces,

into a world of woe,

only his great, eternal love

made my Savior go.


In garments glorious He will come,

to open wide the door;

and I shall enter my heavenly home,

to dwell forevermore.


Out of the ivory palaces,

into a world of woe,

only his great, eternal love

made my Savior go.


Click on this link to listen:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYs-66jzI2k