Grandma’s Stories June 2020

Since our first Aglow Prison Meetings in 1984, we became “APM Family.”  Through God’s love, He made us sisters, daughters, granddaughters, and moms. For several months, we have been unable to visit our family in Prison Facilities. I do not go inside now, but it was the focus of my life for 35 years. I know how this feels and I hurt for our sisters inside. Be encouraged by a story I shared at Retreat 2016. 

My Grandmother was a “lady Evangelist” before she married in the early 1900’s.  By the time I was born, she could dramatize any story from the Bible and keep our attention better than TV!  I can still see my Grandma walking around the room with arms raised high in the air saying, “Thank you Jesus, for giving us the victory!”   

Next came her story, Exodus 17:9 “I will stand…with the rod of God in my hand.”  While Joshua and the Israelites were fighting the enemy Amalek, Moses stood on a hill, high above the battle.  He held up the “rod of God” in his upraised arms. As long as he raised up the staff, Joshua won in the battle below. When his arms got tired, he let them drop down…and the enemy prevailed.

Grandma said, “God planned Joshua to win this battle, but Moses needed help!”   So, God sent Aaron and Hur there. He did not send them into the conflict. He just told them to “hold up the arms of Moses.” They stood by his side while he sat on a rock.  They each held one arm. When Moses got tired, they just kept his arms uplifted all day long…UNTIL the battle was won!

I love the story’s spiritual meaning! The Staff represents the Name of God…”I AM.” Whatever you and I need, we can lift up His NAME and faithfully declare His PROMISES.  We shall see battles WON in our own lives!

I believe there is a special meaning for us today. We can intercede on behalf of the people God has put in our lives. We can be “Aaron and Hur” and hold up their arms during their life-battles. Whether it is in our family, friends, or APM ministry, God Himself will fight the battles as we PRAY….and bring the VICTORY for each one of us!