Since I was a little girl, I always LOVED the month of MAY! Memories began on the very FIRST day! I can still see my little sister and myself placing flowers on the front porch, ringing the bell, and hiding. We waited quietly and listened as we heard Mother say, “Oh my! WHO left these beautiful flowers for me at my door?”
This is also the month people celebrate Memorial Day with picnics & parades. Our family proudly hung the American Flag outside our house to honor those who fought to protect our Country. We recalled stories of Great-Grandfather in the Civil War, and we thanked God for bringing our little brother home safely from the Vietnam War. He hangs the same Flag outside to teach his grandchildren.
All month long, we continue to celebrate Family Birthdays with parties and pictures. During my lifetime, some very special people were born in May…including my own son!
Our world looks dark in this May 2021, but we can change that by our prayers! Be encouraged by a prophetic Word from Bill Yount, who is a dear friend of Aglow Prison Ministry. Ask God to give YOU a fresh vision of answers to YOUR prayers.

Mothers’ Prayers Are Shaking The Door Hinges of Heaven by Bill Yount
“In the spirit, I sawAngelic Assignments were being given to bring in the SEED of praying mothers. The prayers of mothers who were crying out for their children was amplified as if they were relentlessly shaking the door hinges of heaven. I heard a loud Voice from the Throne shout to the angels, “Answer the front door. Angels, receive your new assignments!”
I then saw angels standing at attention while names and addresses of children were written on them. Some addresses were prison addresses, some were homeless children on the street, some were unknown by man, but known to God. Some angels were to make phone calls, and some were to speak to the children’s hearts about things nobody else knew. Special assignments were given to many angels to strengthen and comfort mothers.
I heard the Lord say, “Speak comfortingly to mothers with MY WORD: your warfare is accomplished. I will speak to the north to give them up, and to the south to hold them back no longer. I will bring them from the east and west. I will save your children.”
Isaiah 59:21 “As for Me,” says the Lord, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your descendants, nor from the mouth of your descendants’ descendants,” says the Lord, “from this time and forevermore.”
Please read: Psalm 103:17,18 & 20,21