VICTORY AHEAD JANUARY 2023                                


One of the first Speakers for our Prison Ministry Retreats was Bill Yount. He spoke memorable prophetic words over us and we saw it happen! However, many California Prison Facilities have remained closed since Covid.  May we PROCLAIM AGAIN God’s promise in Bill’s prophetic Word.  


“Like man, My most valuable treasures on earth are also locked up. Tell My people I am going to the prisons to activate gifts that lie dormant in these forgotten vessels.  Out from these walls will come an Army of Spiritual Giants with power to kick down the Gates of Hell. My people must come forward and touch them, for a mighty anointing can be unleashed upon them for future victory in My Kingdom.  THEY MUST BE RESTORED! 

I then saw the Lord step up to prison doors with a key. One key fit every lock and the gates began to open. Jesus walked inside and started touching inmates who were thronging to Him. Many began to have a golden glow come on them.  God spoke, “THERE’S THE GOLD”. Others had a silver glow, and God said, “THERE’S THE SILVER.” They appeared like giant Warriors who wore the entire Armor of God and carried solid gold shields. Then I heard God say to the Warriors, “Now take what satan has taught you, and use it against him. Go and pull down the strongholds that are coming against my church.”  

Recently, two of those Warriors from Valley State Prison for Women shared their powerful Testimonies telling how they returned to encourage the inmates.

May we also boldly PROCLAIM this prophetic Word in the New Year 2023!

2 Timothy 4:2  TPT    Proclaim the Word of God and stand upon it no matter what! Rise to the occasion and preach when it is convenient and when it is not. Preach in the full expression of the Holy Spirit —with wisdom and patience as you instruct and teach the people.

Aglow CA State Prison Board 1990’s
Left to Right: Seated: Pat Latilait, Sandy Sebesta, Earlene Leming, Rachel Bondshu, Betty Acker
Standing:Mary Montano, Cathie Dumas-Rose, Jill Meskimen

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