When teaching school, I loved the month of November because it was always a special time of stories and decorations to celebrate “Thanksgiving Holiday”. During the 1990’s, November became the last month of the year I could drive “over the grapevine” before the coming winter fog and snow in California’s Central Valley. I often shared a tender story with women inside NCWF, CCWF and VSPW. Once again, I bless you with my story of a trusting boy and his Grandma.
It is written in Streams in the Desert Devotional, by Mrs. Charles Cowman, a friend of my Evangelist Grandmother. She tells how a young mother overheard her ten-year-old son telling his friends ALL the “birthday gifts” he had received. She was shocked when she heard him add…“and a stamp album from Grandma!”
She later questioned, “Son, you did NOT get a stamp album from Grandmother. Why did you say that you did?”
With a surprised look on his face, he answered, “Well Mom, Grandma said she would get it…so it is just the same as done.”
Time went by, and nothing was heard about the stamp album. One day, his mother said, “I think Grandma has forgotten her promise.”
“No, she hasn’t forgotten,” he quickly replied. “But do you think it might help if I write to her, thanking her for the album?”
In a short time, a letter came from Grandma. She explained how the company sent the wrong album and she had returned it. The letter ended with, “Here’s three dollars to get you the stamp album where you live. Your loving Grandma.”
What a simple explanation of the “faith” we read about in Romans 4:18 “against hope, he believed in hope…” The little boy knew his stamp album would come. While he was trusting, Grandma was working, and in due season, his faith became sight.
Romans 4:18 Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, so shall thy seed be.
Let us learn how to apply this precious secret ourselves, and send the Lord our “words of thanksgiving” until HE sends our answer to us.
Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.