Everything about Christmas is a miracle! God planned it before the worlds were formed. Prophets declared it for many years. “For unto us a child is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and his Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6,7
At God’s set time, His Promise was spoken by the Angel Gabriel to a young virgin named Mary. She believed his Word…and God sent His only Son into the world. “For with God, nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 2:18
Christmas miracles continued when Angels sang the Birth Announcement to a few shepherds near Bethlehem, who ran quickly to worship the newborn Son of God…in a stable. They excitedly left in awe to tell what they had seen and heard!
Not many people were aware of the miraculous event taking place in their town. It had come quietly…but it came. God keeps His promises. Simeon and Anna, two of His faithful servants were waiting to see Messiah before they died. God honored their requests when Mary and Joseph brought the Baby to the Temple one day.
God’s timing is always perfect. Think how far “wise men” traveled to worship a new King. Imagine the scientific details they studied to bravely follow a star to bring gifts to Him. They were unaware how their gifts were part of God’s miracle escape into Egypt to save the life of God’s Son.
In the 2nd Chapters of Matthew & Luke, we read that Mary held events and words “in her heart”. She didn’t realize they would be fulfilled at the Cross. Jesus is God’s Gift of Salvation…and His greatest Miracle.
“For God so loved the world, that HE gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
From a beloved old song: “It took a miracle to hang the world in space; It took a miracle to put the stars in place; but when He saved my soul, cleansed and made me whole, It took a MIRACLE of love and grace.”