“We love Him, because He first loved us.” I John 4:19


When I was a young Teacher in my twenties, I especially enjoyed the month of FEBRUARY.  My Second Grade Class decorated EVERYTHING with colorful hearts and flowers! We shared how to show love and appreciation to others wherever we went. My job was easiest that month!

Aglow Prison Ministry Volunteers are always involved in some form of “teaching”.  Whether it is HOW we treat members of our Teams, the Officers, Inmates, or even how we dress…others are watching and learning. In 1984, God gave some good instruction when He said “They may NOT remember what YOU said, but they will remember what YOU did.” 

 I started asking God to “pour His Love” into me, and I found I was falling-in-love with Jesus. He healed me, and revealed His Love to those I was teaching. One day, I found The Vessel Poem and I knew it was a TITLE for a book. In 1999, when the first copies of Vessels of Honor books were loaded into my Temecula garage, the Lord said, “The Book will GO where YOU cannot go.” Twenty-five years later, I no longer go with APM teams, but God continues to fulfill HIS Promise, even in other countries. My nephew’s family often takes the Spanish version of Vessels of Honor into Mexico on mission trips. My son took English copies to South Africa. Ask GOD to pour His Love into YOU, and you will SEE His power change lives, too!    

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