JULY is the time to celebrate FREEDOM in our United States. This month, I encourage us to celebrate the SPIRITUAL FREEDOM God gives us inour life.

In 1984at the upstairs Chapel of CRC Prison, I learned about spiritual warfare. God used incarcerated women like Jill and Mary to teach me how to use His weapons. We are Veterans today of spiritual battles and victories. I pray YOU will desire to experience this same kind of FREEDOM for yourself daily.
Here are some basic spiritual truths to remember. We are in a war with a wide-awake adversary who uses STRATEGIES to defeat us. God intends to teach YOU how to USE your life on earth to DEFEAT satan with GOD’S mighty Weapons.
Weapon #1. The NAME and BLOOD OF JESUS God is always creating new things. However, there are NO new tactics used by the enemy. They only vary by life situations. The most common is the “spirit of fear” which produces emotions of discouragement, hopelessness, failure, and other negative thoughts. Remember II Timothy 1:7 says: “For God has NOT given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind.
When you FIRST realize you are under a mental, emotional attack, learn to resist the enemy! Speak aloud: “In Jesus Name, I resist the spirit of fear. I am covered with the precious Blood of Jesus. NO evil can harm me!”
Weapon #2. The WORD OF GOD In John 10:10, Jesus says: “The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy…but I have come to bring you abundant life” …with happy, joy-filled days! Learn to recognize the enemy so you can stop him when he comes to ”steal” from you!
For example, discouragement is a subtle way satan “steals” your JOY! If you allow yourself to THINK very long on your problems, you will also lose your STRENGTH and be useless. Stop the thief! Speak God’s WORD as Jesus did. Declare aloud: “The Joy of the Lord is my strength!” Nehemiah 8:10
Weapon #3. PRAISE and WORSHIP After you pray over a situation, do not try to fight “thoughts with thoughts”. Just sing or play praise music. Tell Jesus you love and thank Him for answering. God will win the battle and you’ll walk in freedom!
“Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you.” Peter 5:7.