We can experience “abundant life” when we learn to apply GOD’S WORD daily. A drastic change in my circumstances caused me tospeak HIS Promises ALOUD. I soon discovered I was actually “praying” for those promises to come to pass!
This month I encourage you to start your day by trying this TRUTH for yourself. No matter what the News or people say, remember it is ALWAYS HIS WORD that will drive away depression, loneliness, and fear. It will bring you JOY, PEACE and a SOUND MIND. God’s Word changes your thinking…and brings you MIRACLES!
Here are some of my favorite Scriptures. Do NOT allow the enemy to “STEAL” your Promises! Keep thanking and praising God throughout the day and night.

Inspired by Psalm 103:1-5 “Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all His benefits!” Thank you, Lord, that You forgive my sins, and heal mydiseases. Thank you for crowning me with tender mercies and loving kindness. I will fill my mouth with good things (God’s Word, healthy food) so my youth is continually “renewed as the eagles.”
Inspired by Philippians 4:8 “Help me, Jesus, to guard my thoughts today. I CHOOSE to keep the past behind me. I give my hurts, mistakes & sad memories to You. I will try to “speak NO more” of them. Cover my mind with the Blood, and restore Your joy!”
Inspired by Colossians 3:23-24 “Here I am, Lord. Help me to focus on “Your assignments” for me and help me to please You in everything. Remind me that whatsoever I do for others, I should do it as UNTO YOU. My rewards come from You…NOT people.
Inspired by Matthew 6:33 I will do my best to put YOU FIRST today, and I will expect You to fulfill Your Promises to me. “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Inspired by Jeremiah 29:11 ”Thank you, God , that YOUR plans for my life are good , not evil. I trust YOU will bring me to that “expected end” to fulfill YOUR destiny for me. “
DESTINY is defined as “moving towards a purposed end.”
Are you moving?