1 Corinthians 2:1, 4 “And I came to you, not with excellency of speech
or of wisdom…but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.”
Travel back with me to the summer of 1988. Watch another milestone unfold in God’s plan for Aglow Prison Ministry. Picture a woman in her fifties, running against strong winds, across a huge Prison Parking Lot, yelling: “Chaplain Thomas! Chaplain Thomas!” I’ll always treasure that day when our interesting journey began with Chaplain Thomas and “the mighty-women-of-God “…his name for us!
This newly built Northern California Women’s Facility (NCWF) transferred inmates from CRC, California Rehabilitation Center, located in Norco, California. When Clara arrived there, she begged the Chaplain to “please bring Aglow” to NCWF. A team formed, and we appointed Betty Acker as the Field Coordinator. (She later was VP of Retreats.) God brought teachers like Annie in Lodi and Sandy Rowe in Manteca, and prayer warriors like Julia Reiff, who still leads in Aglow.
God was also “opening doors” in Jails from San Diego to San Francisco, and we realized it was wise to write a Training Guide “for church ladies” BEFORE they go to Prison facilities. The Aglow Prison Ministry Manual was written in Lee Krueger’s home by members of the original CRC team.

Left to right: Sharon Barrett, US Aglow Representative; Earlene Leming, VP APM; LeeKrueger, President APM; …and Jane Hansen, President Aglow International.
Because it had to be approved by the Aglow International Board, they flew Lee and myself to their Headquarters in Washington state. What an honor to share the Manual and tell miracle stories we had “seen and heard”! Headquarters decided we should print the Manuals ourselves for funds to travel to Aglow Conferences. They gave permission to have a Conference Ministry Table and Training Sessions to help other states develop prison ministries.
2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to show thyself approved unto God,
a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
It is a joy to report a new updated Training Manual is ready for our
APM 40th Anniversary!